SATYRICON: Rotterdam Photos Available

November 21, 2008

Quality photos of SATYRICON's November 19, 2008 concert at the Waterfront venue in Rotterdam, the Netherlands have been posted on the web site of the Dutch branch of Roadrunner Records.

SATYRICON has inked a deal with Koch Records for the North American release of its new album, "The Age Of Nero". The CD, which was issued in Europe on November 3 via Roadrunner Records, will be released in the U.S. on January 13, 2009 in time for the group's tour with CRADLE OF FILTH.

In a recent interview, SATYRICON frontman Sigurd "Satyr" Wongraven said, "We are very anxious to get over the pond ourselves and look forward to establishing SATYRICON in America. We want to bring to America what we have built over here in Europe. We know it will take time, but we are ready for it."

After issuing the group's three previous efforts on three different record labels in Norway — Playground Music for "Rebel Extravaganza" (1999),EMI Music for "Volcano" (2002) and Sony BMG for "Now, Diabolical" (2006) — SATYRICON joined forces with Indie Recordings for the release of "The Age Of Nero".

"The Age Of Nero" entered the national chart in the band's home country at position No. 5. This is SATYRICON's lowest chart entry in Norway since "Rebel Extravaganza", which landed at No. 32 in 1999. "Volcano" (2002) entered the chart at No. 4, while 2006's "Now, Diabolical" came in at No. 2.

SATYRICON's Norwegian record label, Indie Recordings, is still confident that it will be able to push the "Age Of Nero" sales past the 15,000 mark, thus securing SATYRICON its first gold record ever.

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